Hello everyone I’m sorry about not writing my little stories for the last month. The reason is I’m back to work as a police officer with the Naskapi Police Force. A 4 month contract, they needed a bit of help. Naskapis are natives living on an isolated village up in northern Quebec Canada. About 350 miles north of Sept Iles Qc. They are 13 km. from the paradise city for hunting and fishing, a place called Schefferville Qc. The population of the village which is Kawawachikamack is 800 residents. Yesterday I started work, patrol at 08:00 hours with my constable helper Andy D. At 09:05 hours as we passed in from of Lac (lake) John we noticed a little more than 100 caribous on the frozen lake. Cst. helper Andy grabbed the radio telephone and dialled the local radio station telling them that the caribou were on Lac John. About 15 to 20 minutes later. One, two, three, fifteen skidoos (snowmobiles) went by all heading for the herd. At the end of the afternoon around 16:00 hours the skidoos were on their way back and let me tell you they all had in-between 6 to 8 caribous tied behind their snowmobiles. Dragging them without a sled, that’s the way they do it here. Why all those caribous for one or two people. What they do is they kill the caribous for the whole community. Every house depending on the number of people living there will get one or two caribou. Not everyone can go out and hunt. So later on in my stories I will talk to you about this paradise city for hunting, fishing canoe and snowmobile adventurer. Wedge-hills lodge is located on the beautiful George River. The caribou herd which they call the George River herd is estimated at 600 thousand heads.
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