
Duck Hunting in Obedjiwan Quebec

Duck hunting in Obedjiwan Quebec

It was in de fall of 1964 I was a clerk for the Hudson’s Bay Company and living with the manager Clement and wife Helene.It was in late October and I had decided that I would go duck hunting and maybe get a couple of partridges at the same time.

I was up early around 5 o’clock had a good breakfast and packed a lunch. Yes my grandmother was not there to do that.It looked pretty cold and maybe some rain on the way. Got my packsack on, grabbed my 12 gauge pump gun, a Remington and on my way to a couple of lakes behind the reserve.

I had been walking for about an hour and nothing in sight. I had crossed a beaver dam and followed a small creek until I noticed a nice little lake and to my surprise about 400 yards from me I could see some Canada geese. They had their heads up and into the wind. So I did not move an inch, I said to myself I’ll wait until they put their heads down and start eating. I waited a good 15 minutes and they didn’t move at all so I waited another 5 and they started to move around and started eating, slowly I crawled a little closer to about 400 yards and I said to myself still too far. I was lucky that the wind was head on my direction. They were still eating and not worried
about me. I managed to crawl another 200 yards and I said not close enough yet I have to do another 150 yards, which I manage to do. The goose in front had its head up and looking around, she knew that something was wrong. They all started moving into the wind, up I got and fired away, I fired all 3 shots and got 3 big Canada Geese and let me tell you they were big, we call them the Great Canada Goose.

Pulled out a piece of rope tied them together and place them over my shoulder, they were pretty heavy. On my way back I saw a few partridges but did not shoot any, I had enough with these 3 honkers.

I had been gone for about 5 hours and back with 3 big Canada Geese and only shot 3 shots and did not even see a duck, but let me tell you it was a wonderful day.